Never Have I Ever Blogging Edition With: Chloe!!


I hope you’re all having a great day!!! So, as you guessed by the title, today I’m back with an all new episode of the Never Have I Ever series!!! So today I’m with another very special guest..

Today’s guest is Chloe @ DiaryOfALonelyGirl yassssss 🎉 🎉 *if you don’t know her, what are you doing? check out her blog* 😆

In case this is your first time reading my Never Have I Ever posts, lemme break it down for ya: She’s the guest today so she’ll be playing!! She’s gonna be answering my Never Have I Ever questions by saying NEVER or HAVE and she’s gonna give an explanation to some of them of why or why she didn’t do those things. Those are the rules!

Never Have I Ever Blogging Edition:

Never Have I Ever…

Not replied to a comment intentionally


I have never intentionally done this and would never do so. There have been times when I haven’t answered a comment straight away but that is just me being the forgetful person I am. I always make sure to answer all comments, even if it takes me a week or month I will get to them! That is a Chloe Lauren guarantee haha!

Liked a post you didn’t read


I’m sorry to say it but I have done this several times. I always do it with the intention of going back to it later on in the day, but then once again I forget. I really need to work on that!
I say this because sometimes I will only read like half of the post before commenting, but at least I don’t just click on the post and comment without reading any of it. If that makes it any better?

Commented on a post you didn’t read


I say this because sometimes I will only read like half of the post before commenting, but at least I don’t just click on the post and comment without reading any of it. If that makes it any better?

Wrote a hate comment


I have never and will never. I don’t condone hatred towards anybody. I love to inspire and be positive so this is not something I would ever want to do.

Dissed a family member on your blog


Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and yes we argue just like any other family would, but I haven’t put that on my blog. I wouldn’t because I don’t think it would be fair.

Dissed another blogger on your blog


I believe that all bloggers are great no matter what their following, and it wouldn’t be right to bring anyone down. I want people to be proud of what they do and not be someone to make them feel the opposite. I don’t want to slander anyone.

Dissed a friend on your blog


The same as above. It’s not the person I want to be. If I have ever mentioned things from the past I have always made sure not to name names or intentionally spoke very vague about the situation.

Unfollowed someone


Yeah! I am sure everyone has at some point. I used to follow people because I felt obliged to, but when I realised it wasn’t mandatory, I unfollowed them. I never do it maliciously but sometimes some people’s content just doesn’t match what you are into or what you promote. It’s not always my cup of tea.

Promoted your blog on other blogs in the comments


I haven’t gone onto someones blog just to promote. I always make sure to comment something meaningful but because my link is attached to that comment, it automatically promotes anyway. It’s win win, although it isn’t always the intention.

Deleted a published post


Oh I have definitely done this. Quite a few times actually. When I chose to be more positive, I went through my old posts, and all of the ones that seemed to remind me of the old me, I deleted. I just thought it would represent the change in me and allow me to start a new with my new attitude. It was a good move I think.

Deleted a draft


Oh yeah! If I don’t like what I have done or feel like it isn’t going anywhere I will delete the entire draft. There have been other times where I have done it accidentally but that is a different story.

Deleted a comment of yours


Yeah. If I have spelled something wrong. I don’t like it being published unless it looks right. I know. I have a problem. If a comment of mine is wrong, even the slightest bit I will delete it and start over.

Deleted someone else’s comment


I have but only the spam comments, which unfortunately I get a lot of. Also, I have had a few people who supported terrible and vulgar things try to comment and even follow so to keep my blog clean and without that sort of content, I got rid of them. Is that bad?

Not done a tag/award you were tagged for


I am very thankful to anyone who nominates me for these awards and I will thank them but unfortunately there have been awards I have done before and couldn’t do it again. I don’t ignore them to hurt someone or purposely. It’s because I want others to have a chance.

Read a post and not liked it


Not because I am trying to hurt the persons feelings. Far from it. I just sometimes read a post and just think I have liked it, and then come a few days later when I see that post again, I realise then and there that I haven’t. Yeah, this happens a lot for some reason. Hmmm?

Forgotten your password


The reason for this is because I tend to keep my profile on the remember password so I don’t have to put it again. Clever, right? If I didn’t do that I probably would have by now.

Forgotten your blog address


No! if I feel like I am not going to remember their name I go on their blog or their social media just to make sure. I don’t like being wrong. I want them to know that I care enough to remember their name.

Called a blogger another name


I kind of make a deal of making sure I knew the different bloggers names. I would basically just say that it is the same as my answer above. Same principles really 🙂

Accidentally left your account without having logged out


Too many times, but thankfully it is only on my laptop and no one else has access to that. Phew!

Have envied another blogger


I have never envied a blogger but I have been inspired by how they write or do their content. There is a big difference. There are a lot of bloggers I am EXTREMELY fond of though!

Final Score:

HAVE: 11 NEVER: 10*

*I added an extra one as on the third question she said NEVER and HAVE at the same time.

Congrats Chloe!! 🎉🦄 You and Rebecca have been the only ones (so far) that have done more things. #GoHonesty 🙏

And that was it for today!! Thanks do much Chloe for being here!! Loved your answers!!!! 😍

🦄 If you wanna read the post where I played Never Have I Ever Blogging Edition, click here! 🦄


You can tell me in the comments, via email (, Twitter or Instagram.

Share your thoughts with me!

Have you ever played Never Have I Ever? Have you ever done any of these things? Have ya not? Would you like to play this game on  my blog? Tell me everything!!

I hope you guys liked this post as much as me and Chloe liked making it! Thanks so much Chloe for being here today! I hope you guys have an amazing day/night and week, until next time!


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