Wrapping Up the Decade | with Nad!!!!

Wrapping Up the Decade with Nad

HO HO HO peeps!

*Wait, should I still say that? Cause xmas just happened yesterday.*

Greetings peeps!

I hope you’re having a lovely day!! Today it’s time for another collab! And what better to do for a collab than doing a sit down chatty post, right? Especially because…

You know, the decade is ending and the next one is around the corner, so *at least i my opinion* it’s really cool to talk about things that have been done or happened and things that will come, right?

Ok I’mma shut up and start this

Today I have the wonderful beautiful colorful Nad @ Turkey Bacon with me!!! Go visit her blog, show her some love!! And I’m gonna do her a chill interview about this year/decade.

Wrapping up the decade ft. Nad

She wrote a little intro so here it goes *drumroll*

Hi, I used to be Wambby but you can call me Nad. I can’t eat bacon bacon that’s why I name my blog ‘Turkey Bacon’. Please enjoy me answering questions. Please. I beg you.

And now the questions….

Who has been your favorite singer?

Melanie Martinez and Seventeen

The reason why I like Melanie Martinez is because she sings about serious things that some artists won’t even think about touching. For example Drama Club, one of her songs from her latest album ‘K-12’, she talked about how politics nowadays is really messed up. She’s also has a concept that I think is very unique coming from an artist.

Seventeen is a kpop band that I recently found out this year and they’re the reason why I started exploring the kpop community (pretty messed up but ya know, you know?). I recommend people to listen ‘Don’t wanna cry’ since it was my first song from them. Even if you’re not into kpop, it’s a really good song to listen to anytime like in bed…..WAIT NO.

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Favorite YouTuber? They don’t have to be famous

Danggit I have a lot… Screw it! Imma give you a top 10 list.

  1. Danny Gonzales
  2. Ichika Nito
  3. Anthony Padilla
  4. JunsKitchen
  5. Grace For The Millers
  6. Chocolate Cacao チョコレートカカオ
  7. The Try Guys
  8. You Suck At Cooking
  9. ZeFrank1
  10. Mins’cafe 민수바라

Yes, I am aware that most of the channels I listed are food related but what can I say, bone apple teeth 😎

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Favorite movie?

Right now it’s Frozen 2 but my all time favourite is Forrest Gump. It’s very heartwarming to me and I’ll never get tired of watching it 😋

Favorite music album?

K-12 all the way baby!

Image result for melanie martinez k-12 gif

Favorite movie saga?

Disney is basically kinda like a movie saga right? No? Okay then well it has to be ‘Back To The Future’ and ‘Sherk’…..Don’t give me that look! We all have that one Sherk movie thats kinda okayyy ya know.

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Favorite actor/actress?

Tom Holland and Robin Williams.

Robin Williams is my childhood actor and I watched most of his movies like Misses Doubtfire to Hook. I’m sad that he’s not here anymore but he’ll be remembered as one of the greatest actors in history.

Tom Holland is just cute and innocent and my crush so yeeeeeeeeeee.

Favorite idol/role model? They don’t have to be famous

Mr Rogers and Bob Ross.

They both like seeing the world in a positive way and they teach us that we can make the world a better place if we all just be kind to one another. I think the world could use some kindness here and there…more like a life time supply of kindness.

Favorite food?

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I….um….haha..you know umm…yeah I can’t choose. But if I could choose one food that I could eat every single day, it has to be pizza. In real life I like saying it pijja because no one can stop me from doing so.

Favorite fashion/makeup/hair trend?

I guess the 80’s is pretty cool. Like that 80’s were a fun time right? Except for like the big hair and the leg warmers and the shoulder pa- wait maybe I don’t like the 80’s..But I’m pretty like the 80’s…Nah I’m gonna stick to my answer.

I mean I like anything that doesn’t involve dying your armpit hair or drawing wavy lines on your eyebrow.

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Favorite social media/internet trend?

Pinterest! You can never go wrong with Pinterest! I mean Youtube is okay but Pinterest has no clickbaits and stuff.

Favorite movement? Like the feminist movement, climate change, stuff like that…

Climate Change is a huge deal right now and out of all of the movements we have throughout the decade, the climate change one has to be my favourite. I mean Earth doesn’t belong to us, we belong to Earth so we better start taking care of it.

Favorite experience you’ve had/thing you learned?

I learned the piano?…Wait that’s not interesting enough. I learned that other people’s opinion doesn’t matter unless it’s helpful and does good. Also I learned how to make a pizza so uhuhuhuhuhuhu.

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🎉 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ 🎉

And that’s it for the interview!!!!! Whoah, it made you think a lot, didn’t it? I don’t even wanna think deeply into this or else I’m gonna get emotional lol

Thank you so much Nad for being here on my blog, I really appreciated it and I had a lot of fun making this post with you!!!


Share your thoughts with us!

What had been your favorite movement? And food? And movie saga? And album? And trend? What things have you learnt? What’s an experience you loved? Let us knowwwwwwwwwwwwww plssssssssssssssss

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as we liked making it!!! I’ll see you with another collab very soon!!! I hope you have an amazing day/night and rest of the year!!!!

Massive hugs!
Ana Regina 🦄

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