What I Do on Planes When I’m Bored

Greetings peeps! I hope you’re having a great day! And because it’s the summer holidays and sometimes people travel, maybe, who knows? Idk I just realized I had never talked about this. Obvs because of the situation we’re in, people aren’t really going anywhere by plane, but you know what? I wrote this post a…

2019 Summer Bucket List Review!

Greetings peeps! I hope you’re all doing great! Well, I’m nervous because school starts tomorrow and omg! Yeah I don’t wanna go at all, but oh well. And because it’s the end of summer vacay…. It’s time for a Summer Bucket List Review!!! Let’s see how many things I haven’t done this year, yaaaay!! But…

Life Update: August 2019

Greetings peeps! I hope you’re all having a great day! I am! So today is the day I tell you some more about ma life ad how I’ve been doing during my holidays in Mexicawww!! Can’t believe it! It’s been almost two months since me and my parents came and that’s a looooong time my…

My Music Playlist | August 2019

Greetings peeps! I hope you’re having a great day! Today it’s time for another playlist post! I’ve been listening to couple of new songs, you know, songs are being released ALL. THE. TIME. As always, I’ll be sharing a list of 10 songs that I’m into. The thing is a lot of the songs I’m…

PCOS in Summer *all the tea*

Greetings peeps! I hope you’re all having a great day! Today we’re talking about health in this post!  I feel like I don’t talk about PCOS as much as I would like to, so today we’re talking about that!  There are negative things obviously about PCOS and all, but there are things we can laugh…

Dreams of The Month | July 2019

Greetings peeps! How are ya’ll doing? I hope you’re all having a great day! As today’s the last day of the month I’m posting, it’s time for another Dreams of the Month post! Are we ready? As always, I’ll be sharing some of the dreams, just 4, that I’ve had this month which I wrote…

Life Update: July 2019

Greetings peeps! I hope you’re all having a great day! I am! And the month is ending, which means it’s time to do a life update! It’s been really long since I did one for the last time, anyway… It’s been more or less a month since I went on holiday to Mexico, a lot…

Thoughts When School is Over

Greetings peeps! How are y’all doing? I hope you’re all having a great day! I am! So honestly, I’m not werid talking about school when summer vacation just started, right? Right? Maybe I have a problem. So yeah, get reay to relate y’all! Or maybe not. Thoughts When School is Over: Omg I can’t believe…

Orangy Summer Eye Makeup Look!!

Greetings peeps! I hope you’re all having a great day! I am! So today it’s time for a makeup tutorial yaaay!!! I’m no beauty guru but I like doing makeup here, it’s super fun!! Now let’s get into it! So as it’s summer, I thought orange and stuff would look cool, like fresh and summery,…

Travelling While On Your Period

Greetings peeps! I hope you’re all having a great day! So I just arrived in Mexico yaaaay! I’m so ready to have fun and eat lots!!! And speaking of travelling, today’s post is actually related to that! Today we’re talking periods while travelling yaaaay!!!! I’m so excited, who doesn’t like talking about periods? Traveling While…

2019 Summer Bucket List!

Greetings peeps! How are y’all doing? I’m doing good! I’m alreayd in Mexico, so this is my first post while I’m here! Today I decided I would do what I always do when summer comes and that is… A bucket list! Yay! I feel like this is something a lot of people do, so it’s…